
Regional Steering Committee

Regional Steering Committee

The Regional Steering Committee (RSC) ensures proper implementation of the Treaty, takes decisions in the cases provided for in the Treaty and prepares the work of the Ministerial Council. The decisions of the RSC are put into effect by the Contracting Parties in accordance with their own rules. The RSC consists of a representative, and an alternate representative, of the Contracting Parties. Participation as an observer is open to all EU Member States. The RSC acts by unanimity and adopts its rules of procedure. A South East European Party presides in turn over the RSC in accordance with the arrangements laid down in the rules of procedure. The chairperson convenes the meetings at least twice a year in order to review the general functioning of the Treaty and, whenever circumstances so require, at the request of a Contracting Party.

The list of Regional Steering Committee members can be viewed here.