
Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo Installs Innovative BPARCO Bicycle Parking

SARAJEVO — As part of European Mobility Week, the Faculty of Transport and Communications in Sarajevo, supported by the Transport Community and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Government, has installed an innovative BPARCO bicycle parking stand at the faculty entrance. This installation, following the Green Mobility Summit held in June, underscores the faculty’s commitment to promoting sustainable urban mobility and reimagining public spaces.

The new BPARCO Mobility Arch was placed at the faculty’s entrance on Friday, 20 September, prioritising micro-mobility solutions in Sarajevo, one of the world’s most polluted cities. By taking this step, the faculty encourages other institutions to rethink the use of public space and advocate for greener transport alternatives.

The Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Communications Prof. Dr. Amel Kosovac outlined the significance of this initiative: “By installing the innovative BPARCO bike parking in front of the Faculty of Traffic and Communications, we aim to send a strong message about the importance of sustainable urban mobility. This installation represents a concrete step towards a healthier and cleaner Sarajevo, and encourages other institutions to rethink the way public spaces are used. We thank our partners for their support and believe that together we can contribute to a better future for all citizens.”

Mr Damir Margeta, founder of BPARCO, expressed his enthusiasm for the project: “I am delighted to see another BPARCO Mobility Arch installed in Sarajevo, especially because of the location, right in front of the faculty where I studied and earned my engineering degree. To my knowledge, this is the first European solution for micromobility vehicle parking that is fully compatible with U-locks, the gold standard for bicycle security up until now. With a simple innovation, we have adapted it to ensure equally secure parking for electric scooters. An additional feature is that this parking structure has a sustainability dimension as it requires less energy and materials to produce, is cost-effective and compact, and uses minimal space for installation.”

Mr Matej Zakonjšek, Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community, added: “When people, transport modes, and activities, all have their own space, we have a shared public space. It brings more social equity, more road safety, less noise and air pollution, and a better quality of life. This is why the Transport Community, together with our partners, is happy to provide an e-bike stand to Sarajevo citizens, so that they create and enjoy sustainable urban mobility, thus improving the quality of their lives.”

GIZ Program Component Manager, Ms Milenka Knežević, stated: “Considering that, on behalf of the German Goverment,GIZ is a key initiator of sustainable urban mobility development in the Western Balkans, and has been working for several years on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), while also establishing implementation mechanisms at local, national, and regional levels, we are pleased to support concrete measures that contribute to improving the quality of life. Although this activity is symbolic, it is highly inspiring for other institutions and individuals, and through collective action, we can reduce the impact of climate change, ensure cleaner air in a city that is often among the most polluted in the world, improve public health, and save money.”

The installation of the BPARCO Mobility Arch is a tangible step towards advancing green transport alternatives in Sarajevo, perfectly aligned with European Mobility Week’s mission to reimagine public spaces for more sustainable use.