The 4th Technical Committee meeting on Railway was held in Belgrade on 4-5 March.
The rail experts from Western Balkans, EU member states, DG Move, OTIF, ERA, S2R and private sector had the occasion to address the challenges that rail transport is facing in the region.
In addition, a dedicated session on transport of dangerous goods was held.
All regional participants welcome the possibility to hear about the latest novelties relating to this specific domain as well as to be informed on the right approach to follow in case of accidents.
The draft of the Monitoring Progress Report on implementation of the Rail Action Plan was presented by the Permanent Secretariat. The preliminary results showed some inertia among the regional participants in implementing of the relevant EU rail legislation.
Together with DG MOVE and with the support of the European Rail Agency, the Permanent Secretariat will try to provide adequate support for the region through technical assistance.
One of the most interesting sessions was with private railway undertakings, where all participants had a chance to hear about the problems and challenges occurring in open market conditions.
All presentations made during this meeting are available on this link.