
Transport Community Marks Kick-off of European Mobility Week in Pristina

PRISTINA – The Transport Community Permanent Secretariat joined the kick-off of the European Mobility Week in Pristina on Monday, 16 September, focusing on the event’s 2024 theme – Shared Public Space.

Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community, Mr Matej Zakonjšek, joined the Mayor of Pristina, the Deputy Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure of Kosovo*, GIZ Kosovo Director, and other stakeholders in a series of events aimed at promoting sustainable urban mobility.

Shared public space brings many benefits to society. A place where people, transport modes and activities all have their own space is a place with more social equity, more road safety, less noise and air pollution, and a better quality of life.

The European Mobility Week activities in Pristina focused on three main topics related to alternative modes of transport – public bus transport, walking, and cycling.

In his opening remarks, Mr Zakonjšek pointed out that transport is at the heart of both our everyday lives and our economies, but it is also one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

“Yet today, we are here to talk about solutions, not challenges,” he pointed out and added that the City of Pristina is already leading the charge by implementing the goals of the Green Mobility Summit, from inauguration of new bike services to adopting cleaner public transport and purchase of 30 new buses.

Mayor of Pristina, Mr Perparim Rama, said that he is pleased that this year’s European Mobility Week finds Pristina with so many youngsters taking part in the activities and learning about more sustainable means of transportation.

“Our main goal is to shape a city that gives priority to pedestrians, by creating means and infrastructure for alternative transport, for a cleaner and greener city. And that’s exactly what we have done with so many of our projects. It is important to raise awareness among our younger generations for a greener environment is their future,” Mr Rama pointed out.

Mr David Oberhuber, Director of GIZ Kosovo Office, pointed out that as a part of the Regional Climate Partnership between Germany and the Western Balkans, GIZ is driving the transformation of transport and energy sectors to cut carbon emissions and boost sustainability.

“With this support, over 25 cities and municipalities in the region have developed and started implementing sustainable urban transport and climate action plans. This year, we have inaugurated the solar-powered parking facility in Germia Park, furthering our commitment to sustainable urban mobility, he concluded.

The European Mobility Week is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. It promotes behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport, and other clean, intelligent transport solutions.


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence