Preparation of selected main/detail designs for improving road safety conditions (risk elimination) along high risk sections in the TEN-T indicative core/comprehensive road networks in the Western Balkans
March 2020
Preparation of selected main/detail designs for improving road safety conditions (risk elimination) along high risk sections in the TEN-T indicative core/comprehensive road networks in the Western Balkans
CRM Monitoring Progress Report
November 2019
The purpose of this report is to present the progress of the implementation of Connectivity Reform Measure Management Plan (CRMMP) and accordingly to provide various stakeholders involved an objective view on where and by whom further efforts are needed.
Due to the closure of SEETO activities (December 2018) and the start of activities of Transport Community Treaty Permanent Secretariat in May 2019, this report provides an overview of the progress in the implementation of Connectivity Reform Measures (CRM), covering a longer period than usual, from October 2018 till October 2019.
Study for border-crossing facilitation and improvement
April 2019
The Study presents an institutional, technical, economic and financial assessment of 32 pairs of road BCPs/CCPs on the Core and Comprehensive Network in the Western Balkans , in order to implement one stop shops (OSS) and an electronic border queuing management system (eQMS).
Preparation of 5-year Road/Rail Maintenance Plans
December 2018
The aim of the reports is to provide an assessment of institutional and budgetary framework[s] for the road/rail maintenance, to propose best practice solutions with regard to the situation in the Western Balkans and to prepare the maintenance plan for 2019 – 2023 for the indicative extension of the TEN-T Road/Rail Core/Comprehensive Networks in the Western Balkans.
Component 1: Preparation of 5-year maintenance plan for Road Core/Comprehensive Network
Component 2: Preparation of 5-year maintenance plan for Rail Core/Comprehensive Network
Strategic Framework for implementation of ITS on TEN-T Core/Comprehensive Network
December 2018
The purpose of the Report is to provide a Regional ITS Strategic Framework for the extension of the Core and Comprehensive TEN-T Networks in the Western Balkans region covering all modes of transport.
A ‘Road Map’ for establishing a national system for continuous road crash data collection
June 2018
The core focus of the report is to develop a road map for the sequence of activities that must be undertaken by the WB Regional Participants to enable them to achieve a common approach to crash data collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical crash to all interested parties.
Preparation of RSI and RSA Plans and Pilots
May 2018
The purpose of these reports is to prepare short-term plans (2018-2020) for road safety inspection and audit for the whole Core and Comprehensive Road Network in the Western Balkans. Under the scope of work of this TA were carried out RSI pilots on 10% of the network identified as high-risk crash road sections and RSA in 6 projects.
Component 1: Prepare a three-year RSI plan and pilot RSIs on high-risk crash road sections
Component 2: Prepare a three-year RSA plan and RSA pilots in six projects