
Fourth Social Forum

On March 8, the 4th Social Forum of the Transport Community took place in Pristina. The topic of the 4th Social Forum was The Role of the Civil Society in Creating Sustainable, Smart and Inclusive Mobility. Around fifty key stakeholders from the entire region, representing NGOs, government organisations and youth associations, gathered to discuss making mobility in the Western Balkans more affordable, accessible, attractive, and inclusive by better engaging with civil society.

The Social Forum consisted of three parts:

  • The plenary sessionfocused on the draft Action Plan for Implementing the EU Acquis in Social Issues and Passenger Rights in Transport drafted by the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat. It aims to improve TCT contracting parties’ transposition and implementation of legislation regarding social issues and passenger rights: working conditions, healthy and safe working environments, equal opportunities, and passenger rights.
  • The first panelfocused onInclusive Mobility – how to make Mobility Accessible for Everyone. Mobility inequalities can significantly impact an individual’s ability to move freely and, hence, their access to opportunities, such as education and employment. Addressing these inequalities is crucial for promoting greater Mobility and equality, including equal opportunities for all transport user groups to thrive economically.
  • The second panelfocused on Sustainable Mobility– on the role of Civil Society and the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans. Making transport sustainable is a key global, EU and Western Balkans strategic policy. More sustainable transport will decrease GHG emissions and air pollution, contributing to citizens’ health, quality of life, and well-being. Shaping green and sustainable transport policies and projects will also require strong civil society engagement.


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