Technical Assistance for collecting Road Safety KPIs on Seatbelt and Child Restraint Systems in the Western Balkans region (WESTBELT)
Read the report here.
Safer to School Guidelines
Guidelines for Installing Urban Equipment and Architectural Design of Traffic Areas to Improve Road Safety for School Children.
Final Report on Western Balkans Road Safety Observatory Implementation
Please consult the manual HERE
Towards the 12 voluntary global targets for road safety
GRSP in collaboration with VIAS Institute has release the “Towards the 12 voluntary global targets for road safety” manual which provides guidance for countries on activities and measures to achieve the voluntary global road safety performance targets.
Please consult the manual HERE
Guide for Road Safety Opportunities and Challenges: Low and Middle Income Country Profiles
Low, and middle-income countries (LMICs) are facing a major challenge in road safety. Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on the worlds’ roads, and a further 50 million are injured, with the vast majority of these (over 90 percent) occurring in LMICs. There is an upward trend in road crash fatalities and injuries, causing human suffering, grief, and loss, and retarding the economic growth of LMICs.
Please download the guide HERE
Stockholm Declaration – 3rd Global Ministerial Conference in Road Safety
Sweden, February 20, 2021
Ministers and Heads of Delegations as well as representatives of international, regional and sub-regional governmental and nongovernmental organizations and the private sector gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, on 19 and 20 February 2020 for the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.
Please download the Declaration HERE
Road Safety Declaration endorsed by Transport Ministers / representatives of the Western Balkans
Ljubljana, April 25, 2018
Transport Ministers of Western Balkans, met in Lubljana and expressed their commitment to reduce the number of those killed or seriously injured on the roads, and more generally to strongly improve road safety across the South East European Parties.
Please download the road safety declaration HERE
Global Roadmap of Action Toward Sustainable Mobility (GRA)
Reporting on Serious Road Traffic Casualties
To improve further road safety, it is necessary to have a better understanding of the real number of road traffic casualties, including serious injuries. This is made possible by linking different sources of accident data, including police and hospital data. This report, prepared by the IRTAD Group, reviews how serious injuries are defined in IRTAD countries and identifies and assesses methodologies for linking different sources of crash data.
Please download the report HERE
Ministerial Resolution on Embracing the new era for sustainable inland transport and mobility
On 70th anniversary of Inland Transport Committee of UNECE, the Transport ministers from across Europe and the Globe came together to sign a ministerial resolution on Embracing the new era for sustainable inland transport and mobility.
Please download the resolution HERE
Saving Lives Beyond 2020: The Next Steps:
Recommendations of the Academic Expert Group for the Third Ministerial Conference on Global Road Safety 2020
The Academic Expert Group convened by the Swedish Transport Administration lent its combined experience, expertise and understanding of global road safety issues, problems and solutions to create a set of recommendations for a decade of activity by the public and private sectors that would lead to a reduction of worldwide road deaths by one-half by 2030. The recommendations are made in the context of a Third High-Level Conference on Global Road Safety, Stockholm 2020.
Please read the recommendations HERE
Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide
The guide describes major strategies and countermeasures that are relevant to SHSOs; summarizes strategy/countermeasure use, effectiveness, costs, and implementation time; and provides references to the most important research summaries and individual studies.
Please download the guide HERE
Sustainable Mobility for All : 2017-2018 Annual Report
The sustainable mobility for all (SuM4All) initiative was launched in January 2017. To guarantee sustainable mobility, there is need to: (i) reshape the national and global dialogue on mobility; (ii) change existing mindsets and policies; and (iii) mobilize more financial resources for the necessary solutions.
Please download the report HERE